Question 6


In this section, questions are set on the following poems:

  • ‘Spring’ by Gerard Manley Hopkins
  • ‘Poem’ by Barolong Seboni

NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH poems, i.e. QUESTION 6.1 AND

6.1 Read the poem carefully and then answer the questions which follow.
The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the
expected length of your answer.

6.1.1 Give TWO reasons why this poem can be identified as a sonnet. (2)

6.1.2 Refer to stanza 1.

Using your OWN words, give TWO examples in this stanza to
confirm the speaker’s statement in line 1 (‘Nothing is so beautiful as
Spring’). (2)

6.1.3 Refer to line 2 (‘When weeds, in … lovely and lush’).

(a) Identify the sound device used in this line. (1)

(b) Explain why this sound device is relevant to this poem. (2)

6.1.4 Why does the speaker make reference to ‘echoing timber’ (line 4)? (2)

6.1.5 Refer to line 6 (‘The glassy peartree leaves and blooms’).

What do the words ‘glassy’ and ‘blooms’ tell us about the ‘peartree’? (2)

6.1.6 Refer to lines 1–8 (‘Nothing is so … fair their fling’).

(a) Identify the tone used in these lines. (1)

(b) Why does the speaker use this tone in these lines? (1)

6.1.7 What is being compared in lines 10–11 (‘A strain of … In Eden
garden’)? (2)

6.1.8 Would you classify lines 11–14 (‘Have, get, before … worthy the
winning’) as a prayer?

Discuss your view. (3)

6.2 Read the poem carefully and then answer the set questions. The number of
marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected length of
your answer.

6.2.1 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Write
only the letter (A–D) and the question number (6.2.1) in the

‘sharp like spokes’ (line 6) is a …

A metaphor.
B simile.
C paradox.
D euphemism. (2)

6.2.2 Explain why the speaker compares sarcasm to acid (lines 8−10). (2)

6.2.3 Why does the speaker use ellipsis in line 15 (‘that infect the
feeling … ‘)? (1)

6.2.4 Refer to lines 20−21 (‘woolly words worn’).

(a) Apart from alliteration, identify another figure of speech used in
these lines. (1)

(b) Explain why this figure of speech is relevant in this poem. (2)

6.2.5 Why is the following statement FALSE?

Hurtful words are carefully chosen. (1)

6.2.6 Explain the meaning of lines 26−27 (‘that will spell … of our smiles’). (2)

6.2.7 One of the themes of this poem is love and hate.

Discuss how this theme is relevant to the poem. (3)

6.2.8 Do you think the speaker’s use of ‘jaggered words’ (line 2) contribute
effectively to the message of the poem?

Discuss your view. (3)


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