In this section, contextual questions are set on the following dramas:
- MACBETH by William Shakespeare
- MY CHILDREN! MY AFRICA! by Athol Fugard
Read the extracts from the play below and answer the questions set on each.
The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected
length of your answer.
NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 3.1 AND
[Macbeth and Banquo encounter the witches on the heath.]
3.1.1 Choose a description from COLUMN B that matches a name in
COLUMN A. Write only the letter (A–E) next to the question numbers
(3.1.1(a) to 3.1.1(d)) in the ANSWER BOOK.
3.1.2 Refer to line 1, (‘So foul and … have not seen’).
Explain what Macbeth means in this line? (2)
3.1.3 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (3.1.3) in the
Forres (line 2) in this extract is … castle.
A Macbeth’s
B Banquo’s
C Duncan’s
D Macduff’s (1)
3.1.4 Refer to lines 7−8 (‘By each at …her skinny lips’)
Why do the witches perform this action? (1)
3.1.5 Explain the real reason why the witches address Macbeth as the
‘Thane of Cawdor’ (line 13). (2)
3.1.6 What does this extract reveal about Banquo’s character?
Substantiate your answer (2)
3.1.7 How do Macbeth’s and Banquo’s reactions differ after their
encounter with the witches? (2)
3.1.8 The witches are responsible for Macbeth’s actions after their first
meeting with him.
Discuss your view (3)
3.2.1 Why does Macduff ask Ross, ‘Stands Scotland where it did’ in
line 1? (2)
3.2.2 Refer to lines 9−10 (‘Is there scarce … in their caps’).
(a) Identify the figure of speech in these lines. (1)
(b) Explain why this figure of speech is relevant in this extract. (2)
3.2.3 Why is the following statement FALSE?
Malcolm has fled to Ireland to seek help for Scotland (1)
3.2.4 If you were the director of this play, what would you tell Ross to do
when saying line 18 (‘Why, well’)?
State TWO points. (2)
3.2.5 Refer to line 22 (‘No they were … did leave ’em’).
Discuss the irony of Ross’ words in this line. (2)
3.2.6 Refer to line 23 (‘Be not a … speech, how goes’t?’).
(a) What tone would Macduff use in this line? (1)
(b) Why would Macduff use this tone in this line? (1)
3.2.7 One of the themes in the play is betrayal.
Discuss how this theme is relevant to the character of Macbeth. (3)
3.2.8 It is Lady Macbeth’s ambition, and not Macbeth’s, which causes their
destruction. (3)
Discuss your view. [35]