In this section, contextual questions are set on the following dramas:
- MACBETH by William Shakespeare
- MY CHILDREN! MY AFRICA! by Athol Fugard
Answer ALL the questions on the drama that you have studied.
Read the extracts from the play below and answer the questions set on each.
The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected
length of your answer.
NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 3.1 AND
[Banquo and Macbeth are speaking.]

3.1.1 Choose a description from COLUMN B that matches the name in
COLUMN A. Write only the letter (A–E) next to the question
number (3.1.1(a) to 3.1.1(d)) in the ANSWER BOOK.

3.1.2 Describe the setting in lines 1–20 in this extract. (2)
3.1.3 Refer to lines 3–4 (‘If chance will … Without my stir’).
Explain the irony of Macbeth’s words in these lines. (2)
3.1.4 Refer to lines 5–7 (‘New honours come … aid of use’).
(a) Identify the figure of speech used in these lines. (1)
(b) Explain this figure of speech as used in the extract. (2)
3.1.5 Refer to lines 15–17 (‘Think upon what … each to other’).
State ONE difference in the reaction of Macbeth and Banquo in this
extract. (2)
3.1.6 Why does Malcolm address Duncan as ‘My liege’ (line 24)? (1)
3.1.7 Macbeth is a weak man, who is easily manipulated by others.
Discuss your view. (3)
[A scene on the battlefield.]

3.2.1 Why is the following statement FALSE?
‘Thou’ (line 1) refers to the Thane of Cawdor. (1)
3.2.2 Refer to lines 6–7 (‘If thou be’st … haunt me still’).
Explain these words spoken by Macduff. (2)
3.2.3 Refer to line 16 (‘This way, my … castle’s gently rendered’).
(a) What tone of voice would Siward use in this line? (1)
(b) Why would Siward use this tone in this line? (1)
3.2.4 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence.
Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (3.2.4) in
Macbeth’s words, ‘Why should I … mine own sword’ (lines 26–27)
means that he is not prepared to …
A fight against Macduff.
B take his life.
C fight another Roman.
D commit another murder. (1)
3.2.5 Refer to line 30 (‘Turn, hell-hound, turn!’).
(a) If you were the director of this play, what would you tell
Macduff to do when saying line 30 (‘Turn, hell-hound, turn!’).
State TWO actions. (2)
(b) What does this line tell us about Macduff’s state of mind?
Substantiate your answer. (2)
3.2.6 What does this extract reveal about the character of Macbeth?
Substantiate your answer. (2)
3.2.7 One of the themes in Macbeth is trust.
Discuss this theme. (3)
3.2.8 Lady Macbeth is the driving force of the play.
Discuss your view. (3)