Question 5


Read the following extracts from the play and answer the questions set on each. The number of marks allocated to each question serves as a guide to the expected length of your answer.

NOTE: Answer the questions set on BOTH extracts, i.e. QUESTION 5.1 AND QUESTION 5.2.

5.1 [Thando and Sipho talk about Themba.]

5.1.1 Complete the following sentences by using the words in the list below. Write only the word next to the question number (5.1.1(a)–5.1.1(d)) in the ANSWER BOOK.

Mandisa accompanies her father’s (a) … to return to his country of (b) … He spent many years in (c) … never experiencing (d) … in South Africa. (4)

5.1.2 Refer to lines 3–4: ‘He wanted to … Mom and Dad.’

What do we learn about Themba in these lines? (2)

5.1.3 Give TWO reasons why Themba did not return from exile. (2)

5.1.4 Explain why the following statement is FALSE:

Bra Hugh and Sis Miriam were only known as entertainers. (1)

5.1.5 Explain why Thando finds it strange that Themba did ‘not even visit after the first election’ (line 14). (2)

5.1.6 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (5.1.6) in the ANSWER BOOK.

The word ‘amnesty’ (line 18) means to …

A reduce.
B remove.
C pardon.
D punish. (1)

5.1.7 Explain how the TRC not only plays a political part in the play, but
also has a personal impact on Sipho. (3)

5.1.8 Consider the play as a whole. Do you think Sipho and Themba’s parents treat them fairly as they grow up? Discuss your view. (3)


5.2 [Mandisa and Thando speak the night before the funeral.]

5.2.1 The characters in the play have very different occupations.

(a) What does Mandisa do for a living? (1)

(b) What kind of work does Thando do? (2)

(c) What is Sipho’s occupation? (1)

5.2.2 If you were the director of this play, how would you direct Mandisa to portray her emotions in lines 7–10 (‘Listen. After the … Please say yes!’)? (1)

5.2.3 Identify TWO different character traits each for Mandisa and Thando. (4)

5.2.4 Identify and discuss ONE theme of the play that is evident in this extract. (4)

5.2.5 Do you think it is fair that Sipho is not appointed to the job that he applies for? Discuss your view. (4)


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