[An interschool debate is in progress.]
4.1.1 If you had to introduce the characters to the audience BEFORE the play is performed, how would you introduce Thami and Isabel? (4)
4.1.2 Refer to the extract.
(a) Where does this debate take place? (1)
(b) Which team wins the debate? (1)
4.1.3 Identify Mr M’s tone in ‘Come to order!’ (line 8). (1)
4.1.4 Consider the play as a whole.
Thami says in his concluding statement that ‘women and men are created differently and should have different education syllabi’.
Discuss the irony in his statement. (2)
4.1.5 State TWO similarities in the characters of Isabel and Thami, as seen in this extract. (2)
4.1.6 Discuss how the theme of order versus disorder is evident in this extract. (3)
4.1.7 In your opinion, is Mr M a good teacher? Discuss your view. (3)
[Isabel and Mr M discussThami.]
4.2.1 Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentence. Write only the letter (A–D) next to the question number (4.2.1) in the ANSWER BOOK.
The expression, ‘You’re fishing for something’ (line 1) means that Mr M …
A likes fishing.
B wants information.
C gives information.
D is fishing. (1)
4.2.2 Refer to line 6 (‘It’s swimming around everywhere, Isabel’).
(a) Identify the figure of speech in this line. (1)
(b) Explain why this figure of speech is appropriate. (2)
4.2.3 Quote FIVE CONSECUTIVE WORDS to show that learners are more involved in protest action than adults are. (1)
4.2.4 Refer to line 15, [‘Shocked by what Mr M was asking of her’]. In your own words, state what Mr M is asking Isabel to do. (1)
4.2.5 Discuss the consequences that ‘splitting’ (line 17) has for Mr M later in the play. (2)
4.2.6 Refer to line 20 (‘Well, he hasn’t … thank goodness!’).
(a) If you were the director of this play, which TWO things would you tell Isabel to do when saying these lines? (2)
(b) State TWO characteristics of Isabel that are evident from her reaction to Mr M’s request. (2)
4.2.7 Explain why the following statement is TRUE: Isabel has led a sheltered life. (1)
4.2.8 What does this extract reveal about Mr M’s attitude towards the possible student protest? (2)
4.2.9 Discuss the suitability of the title of the play, My Children! My Africa!. (3)